Tuesday 17 July 2012

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

We are positively miserable with all the rain that has been plaguing May in New York City. We thought it was April showers that bring May Flowers, not May showers that destroy April flowers with downpours. But the crummy weather continues on in the Big Apple prompting more than a few of us to put our rain boots in heavy rotation. In fact, this spring is seeing more rain boots on cute girls in shorts and little skirts than the cowboy boot epidemic of Williamsburg. Thus we have been idly browsing raincoats, rainboots and umbrellas of all stripes. And no we aren't going to bore you with a round up of our favorite picks, even we get nauseated by this content trick after a while. But we did find a raincoat so compelling (at Bloomingdales, another shocker) we simply had to share. The Echo Polka Dot Trench is a clear trench raincoat with black polka dots made of packable PVC. In other words, you can pop this beauty into your purse and whip it at at a moment's notice without ever hindering the view of the outfit you spent so much time perfecting in the morning. And its on sale for $33. Turns out staid department store shopping can be fun after all.

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear

Clear rain gear


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