Tuesday 17 July 2012

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

I have a feeling this summer is going to be a wet and maybe nasty one. The storms we have had here in the Midwest already have just been unreal. Today was another rainy day. When you send your child off to school or daycare we know they are going to get wet. They don't hold the umbrella right or puddles are just fun to jump in. Get some rain gear that can help and make them look cool.
Kidorable started in 1997 with the objective of making kids apparel both functional but yet fun for the kids. Liping and Jonathan Domsky conceived this idea and brought it to life with tigers and bears. It has grown to the huge collection they have today and growing by leaps and bounds.
They offer a large variety of items like umbrellas, rain boots, and even backpacks. They have cool collections so your child can look like a knight, a fairy and their new line, a space hero. From top to bottom they will look outstanding and dry

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear

Kidorable rain gear


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